Looking for uses for empty Tide Pod Containers? Check out 10 creative ways to repurpose them!

repurpose tide pod containers
Back in the stone age of this blog, I did a post on reusing containers. I had a tiny picture of a Tide Pods container, and as a result, “Tide Pods containers upcycle” has been my number one keyword search for years.
It totally makes sense. Tide Pods are super popular and everyone (including me) feels bad about chucking a big plastic container in the garbage every few months. So I figured I’d help us all out with some fresh ideas on how to reuse those bright orange orbs.
The number one thing you need to be able to properly reuse any container is a cute, new LABEL. I love these chalkboard labels because they come in multiple sizes and you can just wipe the writing off and change the label up as you change the purpose!
Uses for Empty Tide Pod Containers
Looking for uses for empty Tide Pod Containers? Check out 10 creative ways to repurpose them!
At Home
-kids' toy storage- Legos especially!
-family piggy bank/donation center- everyone drops in loose change and it adds up to a feel-good activity for the whole family. A night out for ice cream or a donation to your school, perhaps?
Organizing Ideas
-storing tools (like our light sticks above)
-storing craft materials- ribbon, fabric quarters, etc.
-lint bin in the laundry room: fill it up and dump it out
-car garbage- easy-to-use, practically indestructible
In the Classroom
-use it to hold rewards/prizes for well-behaved children:)
- small lost 'n found items
Holiday Decor
-Halloween- yes, the perfect shape and color to be a pumpkin. Add a sharpie jack o' lantern face, and it's perfect for a fun porch decoration. Extra credit if you spray paint the top green.
-snow globe- needs to be the clear kind, but this would be such a fun craft with the kids.
- Can you recycle Tide Pods containers?
- You can recycle the actual containers (if your city accepts this type of plastic) but you cannot recycle the Pods or the plastic bags you can buy the Pods in.
- How do you remove the label from the Tide Pods container?
- There are a couple ways you can remove these labels. You can put artificial nail remover on a cotton ball and rub, or you can make a solution with baking soda and coconut oil and rub the label off with that.ย
- What can I do with old laundry detergent bottles?ย
- Check out 11 Unexpected Ways to Repurpose Plastic Laundry Detergent Containersย they have great ways to use the containers that are really awesome!
Love these ideas on how to reuse Tide Pods containers? Check out this thrifty post on easy homemade candles!
Ruthie DeHoag says
Are tide pod containers safe for growing vegetables in them?
Alison says
I’m not sure, and google wasn’t much help haha! I would err on the side of caution and only use them to grow plants that will not be ingested. It would probably be difficult to remove the chemicals that have seeped into the plastic.
Emily says
You can also recycle them threw Terracycle!
Alison says